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Where are the most affordable rental apartments in Tokyo for foreigners? What are the costs and what are the requirements?

This article is full of up-to-date information on how to rent an affordable apartment in Tokyo. Especially for foreigners who want to work and live in this Japanese capital.

Scroll down for more information.

Long and short term rentals in Tokyo for foreigners

Long-term rentals require you to buy everything you need for your home – the advantage? As you continue living in Japan, you will be able to gradually invest in your home's needs.

Long-term rentals typically offer a two-year contract, while short-term rentals do not. difference? Long-term rental is more stable than short-term rental.

The daily and weekly rates for short-term rentals may be reasonable, but when you calculate it and compare it to the monthly rate for long-term rentals, long-term rental apartments are much cheaper. Other rental options in Tokyo.

If you are an international student, it is a good idea to look for a long-term rental apartment where you can set up your new home in Japan and prepare for living in a comfortable apartment at your workplace.

Yes, long-term rentals in Tokyo for foreigners may require you to pay more compared to short-term rentals upfront, but long-term rentals give you the idea of ​​staying in Japan, so it's worth it. Worth it. A long period that might make you decide to live forever in this progressive country.

By now, you should have already understood the difference between short-term and long-term rentals. Then, what are the necessary expenses for long-term rental? There are 4 main ones.

4 prices for long term rental

Booking fee

This is a guarantee that the renter really rents the apartment and that the renter does not transfer the apartment to others. This fee will be refunded after signing the rental agreement. However, some rental apartments in Tokyo do not apply a reservation fee.


これは、賃貸中に発生した可能性のある損害の将来の修理を負担するために使用される 1 ~ 2 か月の前払いに例えられます。デポジットは、清掃サービスやアパート内の小さな改装にも使用されます。




文字通り感謝のお金を意味します。これは通常、家賃の 1 ~ 2 か月分に相当する金額で、アパートを貸してくれたことへの感謝として賃貸人に与えられます。したがって、これは返金不可の料金です。

さらに、東京で手頃な価格の賃貸アパートを選択できるように、このトップ リストを作成しました。


外国人向けの東京のアパートの賃貸料は、通常、月額 10 万円から 50 万円です。以下に、安くてリーズナブルなレンタル料金と、支払う料金があまりないレンタル料金を示します。



  • Nishiarai Daishi, Nippori: 33,000 to 36,000 JPY/month
  • Asakusa Kuramae, Asakusa: 45,000 to 50,000 JPY/month
  • Higashi Nagasaki B, Ikebukuro: 65,000 JPY/month
  • 原宿C、渋谷:83,000円/月

上記の月額料金にはすべて、電気、水道、ガスの使用量と定期的な維持費が含まれています。これらのゲストハウス/シェア ハウスには、エアコン完備の客室と Wi-Fi アクセスが備わっています。

出典:https ://



Yukiko’s House, in Chofu-shi

レンタル料金: 2,900円/日~20,000円/週; 65,000円/月

  • 最長1年間の滞在。
  • 含まれるもの: 快適なベッド、テレビ、エアコン、机、ランプ。
  • 設備: Wi-Fi アクセス、ランドリー、キッチン、いくつかの家庭用電化製品の使用。また、家賃に含まれている軽い朝食も提供しています。


レンタル料金: 3,000円/泊~30,000円/月

  • 最長1年間の滞在。
  • 含まれるもの: 居心地の良いベッド、テレビ、エアコン、机とランプ、クローゼット、ヘアドライヤー、化粧鏡。
  • アメニティ: ランドリー、キッチン、wifi 接続の使用。

Yuriko’s House, in Arakawa-ku

  • レンタル料金: 3,900円/日~24,710円/週
  • 最大宿泊日数270泊。
  • 含まれるもの: 家庭的なベッド、エアコン、机、ランプ。
  • 設備: Wi-Fi アクセス、一部の家電製品の使用。また、家賃に含まれている軽い朝食も提供しています。家も車椅子でアクセス可能です。
  • 共通のルールの 1 つ: 家の中とエリア内は禁煙です。


  • 世田谷区多摩川台1Rマンション: 月額59,000円、敷金・礼金不要。維持費は家賃に含まれています。(出典:
  • 世田谷区北沢 1K マンション:月額 87,000 円、敷金 84,000 円を含む入居費が必要です。(出典:
  • 江東東京門前仲町: 89,000 円/月、保証金 20,000 円、契約時に有効なパスポートが必要です。(出典:
  • KDXレジデンス麻布イースト、港区: 100,000円* 2年契約が必要です。料金の前払いも必要ですが、礼金は必要ありません。


  1. The primary requirement is to have financial stability and a Japanese guarantor who can be a relative living in Japan, but if you don't have one, you can choose an alternative method. -Please apply to a Japanese rental guarantee company.
  2. Companies and universities may not require a guarantor if you plan to live in Japan for work or school. So check with your employer/university.
  3. To save a lot of money, you have the option of eliminating realtor fees by finding an apartment for rent yourself.
  4. Always look for legit Tokyo apartment rental websites to avoid scams that can lead to delays and frustration in moving in. A highly recommended apartment search site is Tokyo Craigslist.
  5. Avoid moving season. Rental demand in Japan is high at the beginning of the fiscal year (April). As such, we recommend waiting until the end of this season when regular monthly fees return to normal.
  6. You can visit thrift stores to find second-hand electronics and personal items that are still in good working condition at very low prices. His one of the best thrift stores in Tokyo is Whatman Super Thrift Shop.

With all this information, it's a good idea to prepare in advance. By planning ahead, you can find cheap apartments in Tokyo and find what you need without breaking the bank. Also, if you have enough time to look for a room, try to find a room that you can spend comfortably.

In conclusion, no matter which apartment you choose, you are sure to enjoy your stay in Tokyo, the heart of Japan.